Name: | E.A. Renfroe & Company, Inc. |
Jurisdiction: | Alabama |
Legal type: | Foreign Corporation |
Status: | Exists |
Date of registration: | 09 Dec 1994 (30 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 000-910-046 |
Register Number: | 000910046 |
ZIP code: | 35242 |
County: | Shelby |
Place of Formation: | Georgia |
Principal Address: | 1600 CORPORATE DRIVEBIRMINGHAM, AL 35242 |
Registered Office Street Address: | 641 SOUTH LAWRENCE STREETMONTGOMERY, AL 36104 |
Plan Name | Plan Year | EIN/PN | Received | Sponsor | Total number of participants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E. A. RENFROE & COMPANY, INC. 401(K) PLAN | 2023 | 582142437 | 2024-10-09 | E. A. RENFROE & COMPANY, INC. | 1352 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Active participants | 738 |
Retired or separated participants receiving benefits | 3 |
Other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits | 55 |
Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits | 1 |
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year | 219 |
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested | 0 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2024-10-09 |
Name of individual signing | ASHLEY HATTAWAY |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
File | View Page |
Three-digit plan number (PN) | 001 |
Effective date of plan | 1999-01-01 |
Business code | 524290 |
Sponsor’s telephone number | 2059826230 |
Plan sponsor’s mailing address | P.O. BOX 1767, PELHAM, AL, 35124 |
Plan sponsor’s address | 1800 INTERNATIONAL PARK DRIVE, SUITE 250, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35243 |
Number of participants as of the end of the plan year
Active participants | 1307 |
Retired or separated participants receiving benefits | 3 |
Other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits | 41 |
Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits | 1 |
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year | 323 |
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested | 0 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2023-09-18 |
Name of individual signing | CHRIS STATT |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
File | View Page |
Three-digit plan number (PN) | 001 |
Effective date of plan | 1999-01-01 |
Business code | 524290 |
Sponsor’s telephone number | 2059826230 |
Plan sponsor’s mailing address | P.O. BOX 1767, PELHAM, AL, 35124 |
Plan sponsor’s address | 1800 INTERNATIONAL PARK DRIVE, SUITE 250, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35243 |
Number of participants as of the end of the plan year
Active participants | 1077 |
Retired or separated participants receiving benefits | 1 |
Other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits | 40 |
Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits | 1 |
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year | 275 |
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested | 0 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2022-10-11 |
Name of individual signing | JANA RENFROE |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
Name | Role | Address |
Date of last update: 16 Aug 2024
Sources: Alabama Secretary of State