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Ambipar Response Alabama, LLC



Name: Ambipar Response Alabama, LLC
Jurisdiction: Alabama
Legal type: Domestic Limited Liability Company
Status: Exists
Date of registration: 21 Jan 1999 (26 years ago)
Entity Number: 000-662-890
Register Number: 000662890
Historical Names: One Stop Environmental, LLC
ZIP code: 36104
County: Montgomery
Place of Formation: Jefferson County
Registered Office Street Address: 2 NORTH JACKSON STREET, SUITE 605MONTGOMERY, AL 36104


Links between entities

Type Company Name Company Number State
Headquarter of Ambipar Response Alabama, LLC, MISSISSIPPI 892430 MISSISSIPPI
Headquarter of Ambipar Response Alabama, LLC, FLORIDA M18000011235 FLORIDA
Headquarter of Ambipar Response Alabama, LLC, FLORIDA M07000007434 FLORIDA
Headquarter of Ambipar Response Alabama, LLC, IDAHO 238630 IDAHO

Unique Entity ID

Unique Entity ID Expiration Date Physical Address Mailing Address
GQ4JNALKC3B4 2025-02-01 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222, 1620, USA 4800 DIVISION AVE., BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222, USA

Business Information

Congressional District 07
State/Country of Incorporation AL, USA
Activation Date 2024-02-14
Initial Registration Date 2001-10-01
Entity Start Date 1999-01-09
Fiscal Year End Close Date Dec 31

Service Classifications

NAICS Codes 115310, 238290, 238310, 238910, 541330, 541620, 561210, 562112, 562119, 562910, 562998
Product and Service Codes F999

Points of Contacts

Electronic Business
Government Business
Past Performance Information not Available

Commercial and government entity program

CAGE number Status Type Established CAGE Update Date CAGE Expiration SAM Expiration
1VNT0 Active Non-Manufacturer 2001-10-05 2024-02-14 2029-02-14 2025-02-01

Contact Information

Phone +1 281-948-7462

Ownership of Offeror Information

Highest Level Owner Information not Available
Immediate Level Owner Information not Available
List of Offerors (0) Information not Available

form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2011-01-01
Business code 238900
Sponsor’s telephone number 2055958188
Plan sponsor’s address 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2024-06-04
Name of individual signing ANA MARIA GOMEZ
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2011-01-01
Business code 238900
Sponsor’s telephone number 2055958188
Plan sponsor’s address 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2024-05-03
Name of individual signing ANA MARIA GOMEZ
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2011-01-01
Business code 238900
Sponsor’s telephone number 2055958188
Plan sponsor’s address 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2022-10-11
Name of individual signing MICHELLE COWART
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2022-10-11
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2011-01-01
Business code 238900
Sponsor’s telephone number 2055958188
Plan sponsor’s address 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2021-07-21
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2021-07-21
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2011-01-01
Business code 238900
Sponsor’s telephone number 2055958188
Plan sponsor’s address 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2020-06-02
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2020-06-02
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2011-01-01
Business code 238900
Sponsor’s telephone number 2055958188
Plan sponsor’s address 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2019-06-13
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2019-06-13
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2011-01-01
Business code 238900
Sponsor’s telephone number 2055958188
Plan sponsor’s address 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2018-07-16
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2018-07-16
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2011-01-01
Business code 238900
Sponsor’s telephone number 2055958188
Plan sponsor’s address 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2017-06-22
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2017-06-22
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2011-01-01
Business code 238900
Sponsor’s telephone number 2055958188
Plan sponsor’s address 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2016-06-06
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2016-06-06
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2011-01-01
Business code 238900
Sponsor’s telephone number 2055958188
Plan sponsor’s address 4800 DIVISION AVE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2015-06-18
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2015-06-18
Name of individual signing SHANNON S. RILEY


Name Role Address


Name Role Address


Name Role Address


Event Date Event Type Old Value New Value
2023-08-23 Name Change AMBIPAR RESPONSE OSE, LLC Ambipar Response Alabama, LLC
2022-01-21 Name Change One Stop Environmental, LLC AMBIPAR RESPONSE OSE, LLC

USAspending Awards. Contracts

Contract Type Award or IDV Flag PIID Start Date Current End Date Potential End Date
DCA AWARD FA664808C0003 2008-10-01 2008-09-30 2012-09-30
Unique Award Key CONT_AWD_FA664808C0003_9700_-NONE-_-NONE-
Awarding Agency Department of Defense
Link View Page


Product and Service Codes J046: MAINT-REP OF WATER PURIFICATION EQ

Recipient Details

Legacy DUNS 806933284
Recipient Address UNITED STATES, 4924 FIRST AVENUE N, BIRMINGHAM, 352221612
DO AWARD 0001 2008-09-30 2009-09-29 2009-09-29
Unique Award Key CONT_AWD_0001_9700_W912DY08D0062_9700
Awarding Agency Department of Defense
Link View Page


Product and Service Codes F108: HARZ REMV/CLEAN-UP/DISP/OP

Recipient Details

Legacy DUNS 806933284
Recipient Address UNITED STATES, 4924 FIRST AVENUE N, BIRMINGHAM, 352221612
No data IDV W912DY08D0062 2008-09-26 No data No data
Unique Award Key CONT_IDV_W912DY08D0062_9700
Awarding Agency Department of Defense
Link View Page

Award Amounts

Obligated Amount 0.00
Potential Award Amount 3500000.00


Product and Service Codes F108: HARZ REMV/CLEAN-UP/DISP/OP

Recipient Details

Legacy DUNS 806933284
DEFINITIVE CONTRACT AWARD FA664808C0014 2008-09-26 2008-10-31 2008-10-31
Unique Award Key CONT_AWD_FA664808C0014_9700_-NONE-_-NONE-
Awarding Agency Department of Defense
Link View Page

Award Amounts

Obligated Amount 71857.50
Current Award Amount 71857.50
Potential Award Amount 71857.50


Product and Service Codes J046: MAINT-REP OF WATER PURIFICATION EQ

Recipient Details

Legacy DUNS 806933284
DCA AWARD DJDEA08C0026 2008-09-23 2013-03-16 2013-03-16
Unique Award Key CONT_AWD_DJDEA08C0026_1524_-NONE-_-NONE-
Awarding Agency Department of Justice
Link View Page


Product and Service Codes S222: WASTE TREATMENT AND STORAGE

Recipient Details

Legacy DUNS 806933284
Recipient Address UNITED STATES, 4924 FIRST AVENUE N, BIRMINGHAM, 352221612
DCA AWARD VA247P0660 2008-09-19 2008-11-30 2008-11-30
Unique Award Key CONT_AWD_VA247P0660_3600_-NONE-_-NONE-
Awarding Agency Department of Veterans Affairs
Link View Page


Product and Service Codes S299: OTHER HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES

Recipient Details

Legacy DUNS 806933284
Recipient Address UNITED STATES, 4924 FIRST AVENUE N, BIRMINGHAM, 352221612
DO AWARD W912JA08F0070 2008-09-19 2008-10-01 2008-10-01
Unique Award Key CONT_AWD_W912JA08F0070_9700_GS10F0093S_4730
Awarding Agency Department of Defense
Link View Page


Product and Service Codes F108: HARZ REMV/CLEAN-UP/DISP/OP

Recipient Details

Legacy DUNS 806933284
Recipient Address UNITED STATES, 4924 FIRST AVENUE N, BIRMINGHAM, 352221612
DO AWARD AG6215D080001 2008-09-16 2009-09-14 2009-09-14
Unique Award Key CONT_AWD_AG6215D080001_12C3_AG6215C080022_12C3
Awarding Agency Department of Agriculture
Link View Page


Product and Service Codes Y219: CONSTRUCT/OTHER CONSERVATION

Recipient Details

Legacy DUNS 806933284
Recipient Address UNITED STATES, 4924 FIRST AVENUE N, BIRMINGHAM, 352221612
PO AWARD FA330006P0011 2008-09-15 2009-09-30 2010-09-30
Unique Award Key CONT_AWD_FA330006P0011_9700_-NONE-_-NONE-
Awarding Agency Department of Defense
Link View Page


Product and Service Codes Q999: OTHER MEDICAL SERVICES

Recipient Details

Legacy DUNS 806933284
Recipient Address UNITED STATES, 4828 1ST AVE NORTH, BIRMINGHAM, 35222
No data IDV AG6215C080022 2008-09-15 No data No data
Unique Award Key CONT_IDV_AG6215C080022_12C3
Awarding Agency Department of Agriculture
Link View Page


Product and Service Codes Y219: CONSTRUCT/OTHER CONSERVATION

Recipient Details

Legacy DUNS 806933284
Recipient Address UNITED STATES, 4924 FIRST AVENUE N, BIRMINGHAM, 352221612

Paycheck Protection Program

Loan Number Loan Funded Date SBA Origination Office Code Loan Delivery Method Borrower Street Address
6277407301 2020-04-30 0459 PPP 4800 Division Avenue, Birmingham, AL, 35222-1620
Loan Status Date 2021-03-13
Loan Status Paid in Full
Loan Maturity in Months 24
SBA Guaranty Percentage 100
Loan Approval Amount (at origination) 391000
Loan Approval Amount (current) 349000
Undisbursed Amount 0
Franchise Name -
Lender Location ID 19133
Servicing Lender Name United Community Bank
Servicing Lender Address 200 E Camperdown Way, Greenville, SC, 29601
Rural or Urban Indicator U
Hubzone Y
Business Age Description Existing or more than 2 years old
Project Address Birmingham, JEFFERSON, AL, 35222-1620
Project Congressional District AL-07
Number of Employees 34
NAICS code 562211
Borrower Race White
Borrower Ethnicity Not Hispanic or Latino
Business Type Subchapter S Corporation
Originating Lender ID 453618
Originating Lender Name United Community Bank
Originating Lender Address Huntsville, AL
Gender Female Owned
Veteran Non-Veteran
Forgiveness Amount 351879.25
Forgiveness Paid Date 2021-03-01

Motor Carrier Census

USDOT Number Carrier Operation MCS-150 Form Date MCS-150 Mileage MCS-150 Year Power Units Drivers Operation Classification
1386605 Interstate 2024-03-29 168000 2023 13 17 Auth. For Hire
DBA Name -
Physical Address 4800 DIVISION AVENUE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222, US
Mailing Address 4800 DIVISION AVENUE, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35222, US
Phone (205) 595-8188
Fax (205) 595-8901

Safety Measurement System - All Transportation

Total Number of Inspections for the measurement period (24 months) 26
Driver Fitness BASIC Serious Violation Indicator No
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC Acute/Critical Indicator No
Unsafe Driving BASIC Acute/Critical Indicator No
Driver Fitness BASIC Roadside Performance measure value .83
Hours-of-Service (HOS) Compliance BASIC Roadside Performance measure value .42
Total Number of Driver Inspections for the measurment period 26
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 8.25
Total Number of Vehicle Inspections for the measurement period 16
Controlled Substances and Alcohol BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 0
Unsafe Driving BASIC Roadside Performance Measure Value .59
Number of inspections with at least one Driver Fitness BASIC violation 2
Number of inspections with at least one Hours-of-Service BASIC violation 1
Total Number of Driver Inspections containing at least one Driver Out-of-Service Violation 3
Number of inspections with at least one Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violation 14
Total Number of Vehicle Inspections containing at least one Vehicle Out-of-Service violation 7
Number of inspections with at least one Controlled Substances and Alcohol BASIC violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Unsafe Driving BASIC violation 1


Unique report number of the inspection 3230008031
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from FL
The date of the inspection 2024-11-08
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred FL
Time weight of the inspection 3
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FREIGHTLIN
License plate of the main unit 1A186RX
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6KHKR4485
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 1
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection SBAB003927
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-11-08
ID that indicates the level of inspection Full
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 3
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 6
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 7
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit CHEV
License plate of the main unit 1A18647
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1GB4YSEY3RF137100
Description of the type of the secondary unit SEMI-TRAILER
Description of the make of the secondary unit BIGT
License plate of the secondary unit NONE
License state of the secondary unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the secondary unit 16V2F362XP6207671
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 10
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 1
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 9
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection 1311000649
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-10-24
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 3
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit 1A186RX
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6KHKR4485
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection JPCP009767
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-08-09
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 3
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit A300714
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6KHKR4485
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 1
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection MACV001596
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-07-08
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 3
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit 1A186RX
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6KHKR4485
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection I030F10417
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from TN
The date of the inspection 2024-06-26
ID that indicates the level of inspection Full
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred TN
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 1
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FREIGHTLIN
License plate of the main unit A499294
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 3ALHCYD2XRDUR5045
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 1
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection MHCV004886
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-06-17
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 1
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit A459946
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6LHLR3745
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 2
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 2
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection 3886000357
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from FL
The date of the inspection 2024-05-29
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred FL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FREIGHTLIN
License plate of the main unit A497327
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV3RHUV1318
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection PGCV005117
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-05-10
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit TRUK
License plate of the main unit 1A0CXME
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 5KKHAXFE0KPKN1122
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection MVCV003831
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-04-23
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit A499294
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 3ALHCYD2XRDUR5045
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection MACV001469
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-03-26
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 1
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit VOLV
License plate of the main unit 1A0CPEP
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 4V5KC9DG8GN949966
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 2
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 2
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection WBMC003458
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-03-07
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit VOLV
License plate of the main unit 1A0CPEP
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 4V5KC9DG8GN949966
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection DWMC006622
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-03-04
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit 1A186RX
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6KHKR4485
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 1
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection WGJP003924
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-02-19
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit A499294
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 3ALHCYD2XRDUR5045
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection 1440001517
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-02-19
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit 1A186RX
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6KHKR4485
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection 1440001242
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-11-16
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit MACK
License plate of the main unit 1A0CPH1
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1M2AX07C2FM021574
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 2
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 2
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection EUMC001717
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-10-24
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit MACK
License plate of the main unit 1A0CPH1
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1M2AX07C2FM021574
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 2
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 2
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection CMAD002213
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-09-11
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit A300714
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6KHKR4485
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 2
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 1
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 1
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection JPCP008662
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-08-24
ID that indicates the level of inspection Full
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit VOLV
License plate of the main unit 1A0CPEP
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 4V5KC9DG8GN949966
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 4
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 4
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection PGCV004803
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-05-08
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit A471020
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6LHLL4176
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection WBMC002959
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-04-25
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit INTL
License plate of the main unit 1A0CW7X
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1HTWYSBT67J396657
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 2
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 2
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection MCMP002612
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-04-18
ID that indicates the level of inspection Full
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 1
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit VOLV
License plate of the main unit 1A0CPEP
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 4V5KC9DG8GN949966
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 5
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 5
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection DWMC005434
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-03-31
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 1
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit A300714
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6KHKR4485
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 1
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection PGCV004757
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-03-22
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 1
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit VOLV
License plate of the main unit 1A0CPEP
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 4V5KC9DG8GN949966
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 1
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection MOCV003578
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-01-30
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit A300714
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6KHKR4485
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 1
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection BSCV001719
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-01-16
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit A300714
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6KHKR4485
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection 1440000255
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-01-05
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit VOLV
License plate of the main unit 1A0CPEP
License state of the main unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 4V5KC9DG8GN949966
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 1
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection 2344005509
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from FL
The date of the inspection 2024-12-17
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred FL
Time weight of the inspection 3
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit FREIGHTLIN
License plate of the main unit A459946
License state of the main unit MS
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FVHG3DV6LHLR3745
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0


The date of the inspection 2024-11-08
Code of the violation 3939ALHLI
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 6
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation Lighting - Headlamp(s) - Any inoperative
The description of the violation group Lighting
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-11-08
Code of the violation 3963A1BOS
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 0
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation BRAKES OUT OF SERVICE: The number of defective brakes is equal to or greater than 20 percent of the service brakes on the vehicle or combination
The description of the violation group Brake Out Of Service
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle secondary unit
The date of the inspection 2023-04-18
Code of the violation 39617C
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Operating a CMV without proof of a periodic inspection
The description of the violation group Inspection Reports
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-11-16
Code of the violation 39395F
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Emergency Equipment - Stopped vehicle warning devices missing or improper
The description of the violation group Emergency Equipment
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-04-18
Code of the violation 39395A
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation No/discharged/unsecured fire extinguisher
The description of the violation group Emergency Equipment
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-04-18
Code of the violation 3939
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Inoperable Required Lamp
The description of the violation group Clearance Identification Lamps/Other
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-04-18
Code of the violation 39375A3
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 8
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Tire-flat and/or audible air leak
The description of the violation group Tires
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-11-08
Code of the violation 39360C
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation Windshield - Damaged or Discolored
The description of the violation group Windshield/ Glass/ Markings
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-11-08
Code of the violation 39348A
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation Inoperative/defective brakes
The description of the violation group Brakes All Others
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle secondary unit
The date of the inspection 2024-11-08
Code of the violation 39343D
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation No or defective automatic trailer brake
The description of the violation group Brakes All Others
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle secondary unit
The date of the inspection 2023-10-24
Code of the violation 38323A2
Name of the BASIC Driver Fitness
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 8
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Operating a CMV without a CDL
The description of the violation group License-related: High
The unit a violation is cited against Driver
The date of the inspection 2024-08-09
Code of the violation 3958ANONELD
Name of the BASIC Hours-of-Service Compliance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 5
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation No record of duty status when one is required (ELD Not Required)
The description of the violation group Incomplete/Wrong Log
The unit a violation is cited against Driver
The date of the inspection 2024-06-26
Code of the violation 39375A3TAOL
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 8
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Tires - All others leaking or inflation less than 50% of the maximum inflation pressure on tire not equipped with ATIS
The description of the violation group Tires
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-03-26
Code of the violation 393134
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation No/improper securement of roll/hook container
The description of the violation group General Securement
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-03-04
Code of the violation 3939H
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 6
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Inoperable head lamps
The description of the violation group Lighting
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-10-24
Code of the violation 38371H
Name of the BASIC Driver Fitness
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Failing to submit medical certification documentation as required
The description of the violation group Medical Certificate
The unit a violation is cited against Driver
The date of the inspection 2023-09-11
Code of the violation 39355C1
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Truck Tractor manufactured on or after March 1 1997 not equipped with an antilock brake system
The description of the violation group Brakes All Others
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-09-11
Code of the violation 39216
Name of the BASIC Unsafe Driving
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 7
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Failing to use seat belt while operating a CMV
The description of the violation group Seat Belt
The unit a violation is cited against Driver
The date of the inspection 2023-08-24
Code of the violation 3969D2
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Failure to correct defects noted on previous inspection report
The description of the violation group Inspection Reports
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-08-24
Code of the violation 3965B
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Oil and/or grease leak
The description of the violation group Other Vehicle Defect
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-04-18
Code of the violation 3963A1
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Inspection repair and maintenance of parts and accessories
The description of the violation group Wheels Studs Clamps Etc.
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-04-25
Code of the violation 3939TS
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 6
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Inoperative turn signal
The description of the violation group Lighting
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-03-22
Code of the violation 393134B3
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 7
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Rear of container not properly secured
The description of the violation group Improper Load Securement
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-01-30
Code of the violation 39111B4DEN
Name of the BASIC Driver Fitness
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 8
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Driver operating a CMV without proper endorsements or in violation of restrictions
The description of the violation group License-related: High
The unit a violation is cited against Driver
The date of the inspection 2023-01-05
Code of the violation 3922SLLS2
Name of the BASIC Unsafe Driving
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation State/Local Laws - Speeding 6-10 miles per hour over the speed limit
The description of the violation group Speeding 2
The unit a violation is cited against Driver

Date of last update: 15 Aug 2024

Sources: Alabama Secretary of State