Trouble during payment process
Issue |
Trouble during payment process
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Sub Product |
Conventional home mortgage
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided |
Applying for a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage
Issue |
Applying for a mortgage or refinancing an existing mortgage
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Sub Product |
FHA mortgage
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided |
Trouble during payment process
Issue |
Trouble during payment process
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Sub Product |
FHA mortgage
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
I have received a statement from Village Capital and Investment indicating there is a XXXX fee. The company indicated they dont know what it is for, but advised it is from the previous loan processing company, XXXX XXXX. Village Capital has been the loan processing company for over a year, and they advised they are unsure what the fee is for, and I could just disregard although it is on my XX/XX/XXXX statement. I spoke with a representative named XXXX at Village Capital and Investments on XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX CST, reference number XXXX.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Improper use of your report
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports
Issue |
Improper use of your report
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Reporting company used your report improperly
Sub Product |
Credit reporting
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I recently reviewed a copy of my credit report and noticed I had late payments on my report. Under code 15 USC 1666b this is a clear violation of inaccurate reporting.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
Mortgage debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
I am responding to your letter that arrived at me on XX/XX/XXXX about an alleged debt and your complaint response.
In the complaint that was initially sent to you, you were provided with an AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH that was suppose to be addressed line by line in which you blatantly disregarded. Instead, you responded to my letter that specifically stated REQUESTS, which was exactly that. My Requests letter did not give you the option to omit a response to my Affidavit of Truth. Therefore, we are still awaiting a response to the Affidavit of Truth that was received by your company on XX/XX/XXXX.
According to Exhibit 2 ( 15 U.S.C 1692g ( b ) ), You did not provide the correct name and address of the Original Creditor which is not XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. You can not originate anything, as you are a corporation and not a natural person. There would not have been a transaction if I ( the natural person/consumer ) was not the originator pursuant to Federal Law 15 U.S.C 1602 ( i ). I, the Natural Person, extended my credit to you Village Capital & Investment LLC.
*If you provided me funds in the form of a loan, Can you provide me with an actual document pursuant to GAAP ( General Accepted Accounting Principles ) pursuant to 12 U.S.C 12 1831n, showing where the money left your ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ) account to fund this alleged debt?
If not, this would be considered Identity Theft pursuant to 1602 ( p ), as this is considered unauthorized use with it being of no benefit to me as a natural person. Also, this would be considered fraudulent activity pursuant to 15 U.S.C 1644 ( a ) for the use of my credit card to obtain goods or anything of value.
According to Exhibit 2 ( 15 U.S.C 1692 ( h ), If I as the consumer owes any alleged debt, while the account is in dispute, no payment should have been collected to go towards this account. You also mentioned that all payments collected went towards satisfying an alleged debt that I owed instead of where I directed it to go which is a VIOLATION of Federal Law U.S.C. 1692 ( h ). Your response did not have anything to do with the Federal Law you have VIOLATED.
According to Exhibit 3 ( 15 U.S.C 1692c ( c ) Once again, the law that you referenced
does not support the statement that was provided. The law just simply defines what a debt collector is, it does not justify you as the debt collector to establish a timeframe to collect such alleged debt. Therefore, you can not void or deny my request to cease and desist contact with me as the consumer. This is another violation of federal law, and your opinion does not trump federal law. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX is NOT the Original Creditor, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX did not originate anything.
According to Exhibit 4 ( 15 U.S.C 1692g ( a ), A debt collector has 5 days to respond. In ( exhibit 6 ) The letter was delivered on XX/XX/XXXX ( according to Certified Mail Receipt Attached ), I received your response letter on XX/XX/XXXX ( 12 days later ). This indicates that you as the deb
t collector were in direct violation of U.S.C 1692g ( a ) of Federal Law. You are also in violation of Federal Law because you did NOT provide me with all five requirements to validate a debt that is required under 15 U.S.C 1692g. I have no responsibility for the alleged debt you're trying to collect. According to 15 U.S.C
1692j, it is unlawful to design, compile, and furnish any form knowing that such form would be used to create the false belief in a consumer that you are participating in an attempt to collect a debt that I allegedly owe.
This will be my last attempt to settle this dispute. Your practices are inconsistent with 15 U.S.C 1692 and you will be held FULLY accountable for your WILLFUL NONCOMPLIANCE with federal law. It would be in your best interest to handle this dispute accordingly. If the dispute is not resolved, I will pursue compensatory damages and actual damages.
Thank you.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Trouble during payment process
Issue |
Trouble during payment process
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Sub Product |
FHA mortgage
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
We filed chapter XXXX bankruptcy in XXXX when yet again we were having issues with what our mortgage company said we owed. We were not perfect and did not always pay on time.
After filing our chapter XXXX we were told we were being sued for an escrow shortage and were forced to pay {$860.00} instead of {$580.00} for 6 months not great when in a chapter XXXX. We contacted our lawyer who told us to hold off on paying because they can not modify our payments while in an active chapter XXXX case so we took their advice which we still have and text messages on the phone I am waiting by month to we received court paperwork showing that not only were they just fired in charging us that but now we owed a huge attorney fee for the opposing side. So lack of judgment with who would pick as a lawyer as well as presume. As soon as we knew that we owed and why we owed even though we didnt really understand that and why we would be short on the escrow we pay per the courts directions.
We were paying every month through our bank account on time and yet we started to receive modification notices for our loan. We sent in our monthly payment through our bank account and coronavirus hit and Apparently no one was in their office and they waited a month to deposit the check and decided to put it as a late payment in XXXX. Obviously we have proof we sent it via our banks auto pay option.
We then received another court document where they were suing to get the house foreclosed on via my wifes name because she is not a mortgage holder but a title holder and they lost but yet again we received absorbent attorney fees all of which were added to the chapter XXXX payment plan under their company name. After feeling like we were getting railroaded because they thought we didnt know any better we went through every bit of literature we had in the past five years and what we noticed was absorbent amounts of escrow being taken out and they are keeping up to {$2000.00} in escrow and claiming that we are late on our payments. The paperwork does not match up to amounts owed and when we sent a certified letter through our lawyer to get an escrow history we were never given one. Not only can they not back up their claims but they are stealing our escrow that is an excess of XXXX a year we are paying out XXXX in escrow in one year and our escrow account comes to XXXX a year. Many of our statements show that we owe XXXX more than what we did on the home and then in a three month span it can go back down {$10000.00} it is ridiculous and someone is definitely reaping the benefits and its not us. We recently paid out of our chapter XXXX after three years and now Ive been here with a post petition fee Ive over {$1300.00} That they claim we owe and if we think that we dont we have to show proof that we paid it I dont think thats how it works all I know is ultimately we payed them over {$5000.00} in overages and we were at most 1/2 months behind when we started on our chapter XXXX that is it. The face if they were wanting to collect her from the year XXXX and XXXX anything that we have gotten added onto the chapter XXXX has gone well into over XXXX extra dollars this is ridiculous we are not idiots and we feel like they are trying to steal from us. Their staff seem to not know what were talking about each and every time we call them they act like the rules dont apply and they are definitely breaking RESPA rules.
Thank you
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
Mortgage debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
Village Capital & Investment LLC, you have been sent the following notice in relation to your attempts from collecting alleged debts and present debts Not OWED to you ; Debt Validation notice, cease and desist and billing error notice. You are attempting to collect alleged debts from ( a federally protected CONSUMER and not a customer that extended my credit to you, and you have been taking advantage of me ) without any authorization or authority to do so. You are exhibiting UNFAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES in your attempts to collect these alleged debts violating federal law 15 U.S.C 1692 and are not maintaining business practices consistent with the Truth And Lending Act 15 U.S.C 1601 nor the fair billing act 15 U.S.C 1666. You are required by LAW to adhere to these regulations and maintain business practices consistent with these laws, also including your requirements to have business practices consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles pursuant to 12 U.S.C 12 1831n. Your actions lead to a violation of the law and your oaths to maintain these practices in your business dealings. As the natural person, I am demanding all of the information be sent as required pursuant to the aforementioned laws and those clearly and conspicuously shown in the attached notices. As a consumer, I have a right to dispute ANY act that violates me as a natural person. As congress has stated YOU are a debt collector pursuant to 15 U.S.C 1692a ( 6 ) and your adherence to this FEDERAL LAW is NOT optional. In my attached notices I have demanded several original documents, if your claims hold any merit you will have no problem providing proof. This demand is NOT optional you are REQUIRED pursuant to the freedom of information Act Act 5 U.S.C 552 to provide ALL the information that was demanded the exact way it was demanded. Any submission not in compliance with these demands will create exhibits that prove that I do not owe you any alleged debts. As the ORIGINAL CREDITOR and CONSUMER involved in the alleged debt, I am demanding you comply with the demands in this attached notice. The affidavit must be answered point by point. I will not hesitate to pursue further litigation to enforce the protection of my consumer rights if need be. Without this demanded documentary evidence that I owe any alleged debt, your practices are inconsistent with 15 USC 1692 and you will be held FULLY accountable for your WILLFUL NONCOMPLIANCE with federal law.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Trouble during payment process
Issue |
Trouble during payment process
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Sub Product |
Conventional home mortgage
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
Loan number # XXXX I'm writing you regarding my mortgage number # XXXX. I sent my monthly payment for XX/XX/XXXX through certified mail via USPS. I received the delivered receipt with a signature from a village capital employee showing the payment was received on XX/XX/XXXX. I have yet to see this payment reflected and credited to my account. We are three weeks into the month and nobody can give me an answer as to why this check has not been honored. Your company has requested that I email them the certified receipt showing the date and signature I have provided. After multiple calls attempted to resolve the issue, none of your employees can confirm receipt or provide an explanation as to why my payment isn't being honored or applied. This is now considered a billing error Under Federal Law due to Village Capital 's failure to credit my account properly. I'm now no longer responsible for the payment or required to pay until this gets resolved. You are also not to make or threaten to make an adverse report about my credit standing, or report for late payment. I am also not to be charged a " late fee '' for this payment. All in all, Village Capital now holds the liability for this payment. It is my suggestion that your company credits my account in full for the payment amount for the month of XX/XX/XXXX and you then conduct an internal investigation to figure out why this payment was not applied after proof of your receipt. I look forward to your response.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Trouble during payment process
Tags |
Older American
Issue |
Trouble during payment process
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Sub Product |
FHA mortgage
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
Ref : Village Capital and Investment Dear Sir and/or Madam : As you all are very well aware we are in the year XXXX. Can someone in this distinguished group please clarify for me why in the year of XXXX we have some esteemed mortgage companies still doing business as if its XXXX?
Earlier this year my mortgage company Village Capital and Investments in XXXX, NV updated their web portal. In accordance with privacy concerns there is little to no customer information that shows on the site. When you log in, again there is no history, no current payment or future payment information posted either. As a result, I when I received my social security in XXXX I posted my payment. A couple days later I was not sure that Id posted the payment so believing I had held the payment back, it was posted again. Only then, did it show the payment for XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX as pending. A few days later BOTH payments were processed. I called Village Capital immediately. The customer service people said they could not stop the payment process, leaving me with {$20.00} in my account. My first question is why does a financial institution, knowing a payment is not due until 6 full weeks later process a payment that far in advance of the due date?
Ive have been on the phone with Village Capital numerous times ( approx. 8 so far ) since this fiasco started. To date, Ive had a different story as to status of this refund. Second question : In this day of computers, electronic transfer etc Why can these dinosaur institutions not required to refund payments within a reasonable amount of time ( i.e., 5 days )? Third : Why am I sitting here almost a full 30 days later and STILL have no refund? I will remind you Im on social security I have no savings to draw from until Village Capital decides to process this refund. Fourth : Why can I not get a straight answer on the status of this refund? I NEED SOMEONE TO HELP ME. This type of inaction should not be allowed. EVER. Finally, XXXX question : Why do they have to mail the refund via XXXX? This will require a 45 minute trip ( one way ) to my bank to deposit.
I did tell the customer service rep last Friday when we spoke that I was going to recommend them as the WORST in customer service ever. I am stressed, Im broke and need food in my house and gas in my car. Mostly I need someone with some clout TO DO SOMETHING TO HELP ME.
Why is this allowed? Why do these people have the authority to keep someones money for over 30 days without resolution? Why will they not give clear and concise information on the refund? And why is their website so obtuse that you can not see what has been previously posted so error do not occur?
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Trouble during payment process
Issue |
Trouble during payment process
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Sub Product |
Conventional home mortgage
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
Village Capital & Investment LLC
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
Mortgage debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
I responding to your response from XX/XX/21 as you continue to disregard my questions.
If you provided me funds in the form of a loan, Can you provide me with an actual document pursuant to GAAP ( General Accepted Accounting Principles ) pursuant to 12 U.S.C 1831n, showing where the money left your ( Village Capital & Investment LLC ) account to fund this alleged debt?
Under what Law does it states you are the Original Creditor since this was a consumer credit transaction?
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided