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Tenax Manufacturing Alabama LLC


Name: Tenax Manufacturing Alabama LLC
Jurisdiction: Alabama
Legal type: Foreign Limited Liability Company
Status: Merged
Date of registration: 05 Apr 2002 (23 years ago)
Entity Number: 000-604-105
Register Number: 000604105
Historical Names: Tenax Acquisition LLC
ZIP code: 36104
County: Montgomery
Place of Formation: Maryland
Principal Address: 4800 E MONUMENT STBALTIMORE, MD 21205
Registered Office Street Address: 2 NORTH JACKSON ST., SUITE 605MONTGOMERY, AL 36104


form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1998-10-31
Business code 326100
Sponsor’s telephone number 4105224368
Plan sponsor’s address 200 MILLER SELLERS DR, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2015-07-27
Name of individual signing TIMOTHY LIBERTO
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1998-11-01
Business code 326100
Sponsor’s telephone number 4105227000
Plan sponsor’s address 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2014-09-17
Name of individual signing TIMOTHY LIBERTO
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2014-09-17
Name of individual signing TIMOTHY LIBERTO
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1998-11-01
Business code 326100
Sponsor’s telephone number 4105227000
Plan sponsor’s address 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2013-08-14
Name of individual signing TIMOTHY LIBERTO
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2013-08-14
Name of individual signing TIMOTHY LIBERTO
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1998-11-01
Business code 326100
Sponsor’s telephone number 4105227000
Plan sponsor’s address 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 421536303
Plan administrator’s name TENAX MANUFACTURING ALABAMA, LLC
Plan administrator’s address 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401
Administrator’s telephone number 4105227000

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2012-10-11
Name of individual signing TIMOTHY LIBERTO
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2012-10-11
Name of individual signing TIMOTHY LIBERTO
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1998-11-01
Business code 326100
Sponsor’s telephone number 4105227000
Plan sponsor’s address 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 421536303
Plan administrator’s name TENAX MANUFACTURING ALABAMA, LLC
Plan administrator’s address 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401
Administrator’s telephone number 4105227000

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2011-09-28
Name of individual signing JENNIFER WINGATE
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1998-11-01
Business code 326100
Sponsor’s telephone number 4105227000
Plan sponsor’s address 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 421536303
Plan administrator’s name TENAX MANUFACTURING ALABAMA, LLC
Plan administrator’s address 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401
Administrator’s telephone number 4105227000

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2010-07-20
Name of individual signing TIMOTHY LIBERTO


Name Role Address


Event Date Event Type Old Value New Value
2002-05-22 Name Change Tenax Acquisition LLC Tenax Manufacturing Alabama LLC

OSHA's Inspections within Industry

Inspection Nr Report ID Date Opened Site Address
335891990 0418600 2012-08-21 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401
Inspection Type Planned
Scope Complete
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2012-08-22
Case Closed 2014-02-03

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 5A0001
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-02-14
Current Penalty 3300.0
Initial Penalty 4860.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line OSH ACT of 1970 Section (5)(a)(1): The employer did not furnish employment and a place of employment which were free from recognized hazards that were causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees in that employees were allowed to operate forklifts without wearing a seatbelt: a) At Tenax Manufacturing Alabama: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to struck-by hazards by allowing employees to operate forklifts without wearing a seatbelt.
Citation ID 01002
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100023 D01
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 1650.0
Initial Penalty 2430.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 4
Nr Exposed 4
Gravity 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.23(d)(1): Every flight of stairs having four or more risers was not equipped with standard stair railings or standard handrails as specified in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (v) of this section, the width of the stair to be measured clear of all obstructions except handrails: a) At TR07 Polyethylene Area: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to falls of 7 feet 2 inches to ground below in that there was no midrail installed. b) At TR07 and TR11Polyethylene Area: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to falls of 5 feet 9 inches to ground below in that there was no midrail installed. c) At TR11 Polyethylene Area: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to falls of 4 feet 2 inches to ground below in that there was no midrail installed. d) At TR12 Polyethylene Area: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to falls of 5 feet 10 inches to ground below in that there was no midrail installed.
Citation ID 01003
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100038 B
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 2430.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 50
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.38(b): An emergency action plan was not in writing, kept in the workplace, and available to employees for review: a) At Tenax Manufacturing Alabama: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to the hazards of not having an emergency action plan so that employees would know what to do in the event of an emergency.
Citation ID 01004
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100147 C04 I
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 3850.0
Initial Penalty 5670.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 3
Nr Exposed 3
Gravity 10
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.147(c)(4)(i): Procedures were not developed, documented and utilized for the control of potentially hazardous energy when employees were engaged in activities covered by this section: a) At Tenax Manufacturing Alabama: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to potential hazardous energies in that the employees were allowed to work on the number 4 RAM Machine which has multiple energy sources such as electrical, air, and natural gas without those employees having a written machine specific lock out procedure to ensure that those energy sources were controlled while the employees were performing maintenance or servicing on the machine. b) At Tenax Manufacturing Alabama: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to potential hazardous energies in that the employees were allowed to work on the number 3 RAM Machine which has multiple energy sources such as electrical and air without those employees having a written machine specific lock out procedure to ensure that those energy sources were controlled while the employees were performing maintenance or servicing on the machine. c) At Tenax Manufacturing Alabama: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to potential hazardous energies in that the employees were allowed to work on the number 6 Packaging Machine which has multiple energy sources such as electrical and air without those employees having a written machine specific lock out procedure to ensure that those energy sources were controlled while the employees were performing maintenance or servicing on the machine.
Citation ID 01005
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100147 C07 I
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-02-26
Current Penalty 3850.0
Initial Penalty 5670.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 8
Gravity 10
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.147(c)(7)(i): The employer did not provide adequate training to ensure that the purpose and function of the energy control program was understood by employees: a) At Tenax Manufacturing Alabama: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer failed to train his employees on the hazards of energy control exposing them to caught-in and electrocution hazards.
Citation ID 01006
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100157 G01
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 2750.0
Initial Penalty 4050.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 4
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.157(g)(1): An educational program was not provided for all employees to familiarize them with the general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient stage fire fighting: a) At Tenax Manufacturing: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the exployer required his employees to fight small fires withing the facility and failed to train them on how to use the fire extinguisher and how to fight incipient stage fires.
Citation ID 01007
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100178 L01 I
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 3850.0
Initial Penalty 5670.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 3
Gravity 10
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.178(l)(1)(i): The employer did not ensure that each powered industrial truck operator was competent to operate a powered industrial truck safely, as demonstrated by the successful completion of the training and evaluation specified in this paragraph (l): a) At Tenax Manufacturing Alabama: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed employees to struck-by hazards in that employees are allowed to operate powered industrial trucks without the employer first ensuring the employees were competent to operate the equipment as demonstrated by the completion of the required training and evaluation specified in the regulation.
Citation ID 01008
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100212 A01
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 2750.0
Initial Penalty 4050.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 2
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(1): One or more methods of machine guarding was not provided to protect the operator and other employees in the machine area from hazards such as those created by point of operation, ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks: a) At Maintenance Shop: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed employees to point of operation hazards in that employees were allowed to operate the HMT Lathe that was not properly guarded. b) At Maintenance Shop: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed employees to point of operation hazards in that employees were allowed to operate the Bridgeport Milling Machine that was not properly guarded.
Citation ID 01009
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100213 I01
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 1650.0
Initial Penalty 2430.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.213(i)(1): Non-working portion(s) of the blade of bandsaw(s) were not enclosed or guarded: a) At Maintenance Shop: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to caught-by and cut hazards in that the employer failed to provide a guard covering the unused portion of the rotating blade.
Citation ID 01010A
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100215 A04
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 2350.0
Initial Penalty 3443.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 2
Nr Exposed 2
Related Event Code (REC) Variance
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.215(a)(4): Work rest(s) on grinding machinery were not adjusted closely to the wheel with a maximum opening of one eighth inch: a) At the Maintenance Shop: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer failed to ensure work rests on a Daytona bench grinder were properly adjusted exposing employees to caught-in hazards. b) At the Maintenance Shop: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer failed to ensure work rests on a Jet bench grinder were properly adjusted exposing employees to caught-in hazards.
Citation ID 01010B
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100215 B09
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.215(b)(9): Guard for abrasive wheel machine where the operator stands in front of the machine was not constructed so that the peripheral protecting member could be adjusted to the constantly decreasing diameter of the wheel: a) At the Maintenance Shop: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer failed to ensure a Dayton bench grinder used by employees was equipped with adjustable tongue guards exposing employees to struck-by hazards. b) At the Maintenance Shop: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer failed to ensure a Jet bench grinder used by employees was equipped with adjustable tongue guards exposing employees to struck-by hazards.
Citation ID 01011
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100145 F03
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 4050.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.145(f)(3): Cables with damaged insulation or exposed bare conductors were not replaced: a) At Maintenance Shop: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to electrocution hazards in that he did not ensure damaged welding leads were replaced prior to allowing employees to use athe Miller Dimension 250 welder.
Citation ID 01012
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100305 B01 II
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Current Penalty 2350.0
Initial Penalty 3443.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.305(b)(1)(ii): Unused openings in boxes, cabinets, or fittings were not effectively closed: a) At Polyethylene Area: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to arc flash hazards in that he failed to ensure the 480 VAC main disconnect for the TR7 was fully enclosed.
Citation ID 01013
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100305 B02 I
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-02-19
Current Penalty 2750.0
Initial Penalty 4050.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 9
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.305(b)(2)(i): Each outlet box in completed installations did not have a cover, faceplate, or fixture canopy: a) At Tenax Conference Room: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to fire hazards and electricution hazards in that he failed to ensure an out box had a cover installed.
Citation ID 01014A
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19101200 E01
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 2200.0
Initial Penalty 3240.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 50
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.1200(e)(1): The employer did not develop, implement, and/or maintain at the workplace a written hazard communication program which describes how the criteria specified in 29 CFR 1910.1200(f), (g), and (h) will be met: a) At Tenax Manufacturing Alabama: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to hazardous chemicals and substances including but not limted to oxygen, acetylene, motor oil, hydraulic fluid, polypropylene and butene Copolymer Plastic Resin without implementing a written Hazard Communication Program.
Citation ID 01014B
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19101200 H01
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-03-05
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 50
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.1200(h)(1): Employees were not provided effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area at the time of their initial assignment and whenever a new hazard that the employees had not been previously trained about was introduced into their work area: a) At Tenax Manufacturing Alabama: On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed employees to hazardous chemicals and substances including but not limited to oxygen, acetylene, motor oil, hydraulic fluid, synthetic lubricating fluid, polypropylene, butene copolymer plastic resin and propane without providing information and training on these chemicals and substances as required by the standard.
Citation ID 02001
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100022 A02
Issuance Date 2013-02-08
Abatement Due Date 2013-02-19
Current Penalty 550.0
Initial Penalty 810.0
Final Order 2013-03-05
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.22(a)(2): Floor(s) of workroom(s) were not maintained in a clean and, so far as possible, a dry condition: a) At TR7 Polyethylene Area; On or about August 21, 2012 and at times prior; the employer exposed his employees to slip, trip and fall hazards in that he allowed power cords and pneumatic air lines to run through standing water where employees walk between the TR7 machine and the operator stand.
315920272 0418600 2011-10-28 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401
Inspection Type FollowUp
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Health
Close Conference 2011-10-28
Emphasis N: LEAD, S: LEAD, L: LEAD
Case Closed 2012-06-07

Related Activity

Type Inspection
Activity Nr 307848879

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001A
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19101200 E01 I
Issuance Date 2011-11-08
Abatement Due Date 2011-10-28
Nr Instances 11
Nr Exposed 46
Gravity 01
Citation ID 01001B
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19101200 G08
Issuance Date 2011-11-08
Abatement Due Date 2011-10-28
Nr Instances 11
Nr Exposed 46
Gravity 01
307848879 0418600 2004-11-30 200 MILLER SELLERS DRIVE, EVERGREEN, AL, 36401
Inspection Type Complaint
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Health
Close Conference 2004-12-01
Case Closed 2005-04-29

Related Activity

Type Complaint
Activity Nr 203123427
Health Yes

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100095 D01
Issuance Date 2004-12-23
Abatement Due Date 2005-03-01
Current Penalty 500.0
Initial Penalty 1400.0
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 13
Related Event Code (REC) Complaint
Gravity 02
Citation ID 01002
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100095 K02
Issuance Date 2004-12-23
Abatement Due Date 2005-03-01
Current Penalty 500.0
Initial Penalty 1400.0
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 13
Gravity 02
Citation ID 01003
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100147 C06 IA
Issuance Date 2004-12-23
Abatement Due Date 2005-02-01
Current Penalty 500.0
Initial Penalty 1050.0
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 4
Gravity 01
Citation ID 01004
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19101025 D02
Issuance Date 2004-12-23
Abatement Due Date 2005-01-06
Current Penalty 1000.0
Initial Penalty 2450.0
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 13
Related Event Code (REC) Complaint
Gravity 05
Citation ID 01005A
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19101025 L01 I
Issuance Date 2004-12-23
Abatement Due Date 2005-02-01
Current Penalty 750.0
Initial Penalty 2450.0
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 13
Related Event Code (REC) Complaint
Gravity 05
Citation ID 01005B
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19101025 L02 I
Issuance Date 2004-12-23
Abatement Due Date 2005-02-01
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 13
Related Event Code (REC) Complaint
Gravity 05
Citation ID 01006A
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19101030 C01 I
Issuance Date 2004-12-23
Abatement Due Date 2005-02-01
Current Penalty 500.0
Initial Penalty 1050.0
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 4
Gravity 01
Citation ID 01006B
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19101030 F02 I
Issuance Date 2004-12-23
Abatement Due Date 2005-02-01
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 4
Gravity 01
Citation ID 02001
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19040029 B01
Issuance Date 2004-12-23
Abatement Due Date 2005-01-06
Nr Instances 12
Nr Exposed 12
Gravity 00
Citation ID 02002
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100095 L01
Issuance Date 2004-12-23
Abatement Due Date 2004-12-30
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 13
Gravity 01

Date of last update: 14 Aug 2024

Sources: Alabama Secretary of State