Inspection Type |
Prog Related
Scope |
Safety/Health |
Close Conference |
Emphasis |
Case Closed |
Related Activity
Type |
Referral |
Activity Nr |
381830 |
Health |
Yes |
Type |
Inspection |
Activity Nr |
456516 |
Safety |
Yes |
Violation Items
Citation ID |
01001A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100106 E06 II |
Issuance Date |
2012-07-17 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-07-18 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2012-08-09 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
1 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.106(e)(6)(ii): Class I liquids were dispensed into containers without the nozzle and container electrically interconnected: a) On or about 6/15/12 - Paint area, a 55 gallon drum of VM & P naptha (Class IB flammable) was not connected to a metal container by means of a bond wire, during filling operations. |
Citation ID |
01001B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100106 E02 II B 1 |
Issuance Date |
2012-07-17 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-07-20 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2012-08-09 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.106(e)(2)(ii)(b)(1): The quantity of liquid that may be located outside of an inside storage room or storage cabinet in a building or in any one fire area of a building exceeded 120 gallons of Class IB, IC, II, or III liquids in containers: a) On or about 6/11/12 - Paint area, two 55 gallon drums of VMP Naptha (Class IB liquid) and eight 55 gallon drums of red primer containing a mixture of xylene (Class IB liquid) and 1,2, 4- trimethylbenzene (class II liquid) were located outside an inside storage room or storage cabinet. |
Citation ID |
02001A |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19100134 C02 I |
Issuance Date |
2012-07-17 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-07-24 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2012-08-09 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
1 |
Related Event Code (REC) |
Referral |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.134(c)(2)(i): Respirator users were not provided with the information contained in Appendix D to 29 CFR 1910.134 when the employer determined that any voluntary respirator use was permissible: a) On or about 6/15/12 - Paint area, an employee voluntarily wearing a Moldex half-face respirator was not provided the information required by this section. |
Citation ID |
02001B |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19100134 C02 II |
Issuance Date |
2012-07-17 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-07-24 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2012-08-09 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
1 |
Related Event Code (REC) |
Referral |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.134(c)(2)(ii): The employer did not establish and implement those elements of a written program necessary to ensure that any employee using a respirator voluntarily was medically able to use that respirator, and that the respirator was cleaned, stored, and maintained so that its use does not present a health hazard to the user: a) On or about 6/15/12 - Paint area, an employee spray painting red primer to fabricated metal parts was not medically cleared or fit tested to wear a Moldex half face respirator. The employer allows the employee to voluntarily wear the respirator. |
Inspection Type |
Scope |
Safety/Health |
Close Conference |
Emphasis |
Case Closed |
Related Activity
Type |
Inspection |
Activity Nr |
465446 |
Health |
Yes |
Violation Items
Citation ID |
01001 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100067 C02 V |
Issuance Date |
2012-08-21 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-08-22 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
2000.0 |
Final Order |
2012-09-21 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
1 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.67(c)(2)(v): A body belt was not worn and a lanyard attached to the boom or basket when working from an aerial lift: a) On or about May 31, 2012 - Bay 2 area, an employee was working from the platform of an aerial lift without fall protection. |
Citation ID |
01002 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100101 B |
Issuance Date |
2012-08-21 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-08-28 |
Current Penalty |
1200.0 |
Initial Penalty |
2400.0 |
Final Order |
2012-09-21 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.101(b): The in-plant handling, storage, and utilization of all compressed gases in cylinders, portable tanks, rail tankcars, or motor vehicle cargo tanks were not in accordance with Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-1-1965, which is incorporated by reference as specified in 29 CFR 1910.6, Section 3.4.5 (Damaged Gauges): a) On or about June 5, 2012 - North wall in the fitting and welding department, employees were operating oxygen and acetylene cylinders with broken pressure gauges. |
Citation ID |
01003 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100147 C01 |
Issuance Date |
2012-08-21 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-08-28 |
Current Penalty |
1400.0 |
Initial Penalty |
2800.0 |
Final Order |
2012-09-21 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
1 |
Gravity |
10 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.147(c)(1): The employer did not establish a program consisting of an energy control procedure, employee training and periodic inspections to ensure that before any employee performed any servicing or maintenance on a machine or equipment where the unexpected energzing, startup or release of stored energy could occur and cause injury, the machine or equipment was isolated from the energy source and rendered inoperative: a) On or about June 5, 2012 - A program had not been established for employees that perform service and maintenance on equipment such as the Peddinghaus Angle Master. |
Citation ID |
01004 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100178 L01 I |
Issuance Date |
2012-08-21 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-08-28 |
Current Penalty |
800.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2012-09-21 |
Nr Instances |
6 |
Nr Exposed |
6 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.178(l)(1)(i): The employer did not ensure that each powered industrial truck operator was competent to operate a powered industrial truck safely, as demonstrated by the successful completion of the training and evaluation specified in this paragraph (l): a) On or about June 5, 2012 - Employees operating powered industrial trucks, such as the Boss 567, had not completed training and evaluation as required. |
Citation ID |
01005 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100178 Q01 |
Issuance Date |
2012-08-21 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-08-28 |
Current Penalty |
1600.0 |
Initial Penalty |
2000.0 |
Final Order |
2012-09-21 |
Nr Instances |
6 |
Nr Exposed |
6 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.178(q)(1): Any power-operated industrial truck not in safe operating condition was not taken out of service, and/or repairs were not made by authorized personnel: a) On or about June 3, 2012 - North wall of the shop, employees were observed operating powered industrial trucks with broken lights, inoperable horns, and severely worn tires. |
Citation ID |
01006 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100212 A01 |
Issuance Date |
2012-08-21 |
Current Penalty |
1000.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2012-09-21 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
1 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.212(a)(1): One or more methods of machine guarding was not provided to protect the operator and other employees in the machine area from hazards such as those created by point of operation, ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks: a) On or about June 3, 2012 - North Wall of shop, a Rockwell drill press had an unguarded rotating part. |
Citation ID |
01007 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100305 B02 I |
Issuance Date |
2012-08-21 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-08-22 |
Current Penalty |
800.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1200.0 |
Final Order |
2012-09-21 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
1 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.305(b)(2)(i): Each outlet box in completed installations did not have a cover, faceplate, or fixture canopy: a) On or about June 5, 2012 - Electrical box was missing a cover plate on a Genie aerial lift. b) On or about June 5, 2012 - A junction box on the Angle Master Flat Punch was missing a cover plate. |