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Fabarc Steel Supply, Inc.



Name: Fabarc Steel Supply, Inc.
Jurisdiction: Alabama
Legal type: Domestic Corporation
Status: Exists
Date of registration: 11 Apr 1979 (46 years ago)
Entity Number: 000-055-956
Register Number: 000055956
ZIP code: 36203
County: Calhoun
Place of Formation: Calhoun County
Principal Address: 111 MEADOW LANEOXFORD, AL 36203
Principal Mailing Address: PO BOX 7280OXFORD, AL 36203
Authorized Capital: 3M @ $0.0017 PV
Paid Share Capital: $90


Links between entities

Type Company Name Company Number State
Headquarter of Fabarc Steel Supply, Inc., MISSISSIPPI 594935 MISSISSIPPI
Headquarter of Fabarc Steel Supply, Inc., New York 3848827 New York
Headquarter of Fabarc Steel Supply, Inc., KENTUCKY 0540203 KENTUCKY
Headquarter of Fabarc Steel Supply, Inc., FLORIDA F05000005917 FLORIDA
Headquarter of Fabarc Steel Supply, Inc., COLORADO 20171453787 COLORADO

Unique Entity ID

Unique Entity ID Expiration Date Physical Address Mailing Address
V6XKY2AR7146 2025-04-25 111 MEADOW LN, OXFORD, AL, 36203, 2644, USA PO BOX 7280, OXFORD, AL, 36203, 7280, USA

Business Information

Congressional District 03
State/Country of Incorporation AL, USA
Activation Date 2024-04-29
Initial Registration Date 2005-03-03
Entity Start Date 1979-04-11
Fiscal Year End Close Date Sep 30

Service Classifications

NAICS Codes 332312
Product and Service Codes 9640

Points of Contacts

Electronic Business
Role CFO
Address 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203, 7280, USA
Address 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203, 7280, USA
Government Business
Address 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203, 7280, USA
Address 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203, 7280, USA
Past Performance Information not Available

Commercial and government entity program

CAGE number Status Type Established CAGE Update Date CAGE Expiration SAM Expiration
36UJ9 Active U.S./Canada Manufacturer 2005-03-04 2024-05-22 2029-05-22 2025-04-25

Contact Information

Phone +1 256-831-8770
Fax +1 256-831-8776
Address 111 MEADOW LN, OXFORD, AL, 36203 2644, UNITED STATES

Ownership of Offeror Information

Highest Level Owner Information not Available
Immediate Level Owner Information not Available
List of Offerors (0) Information not Available

form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 501
Effective date of plan 2014-03-01
Business code 331200
Sponsor’s telephone number 2562411612
Plan sponsor’s mailing address P O BOX 7280, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Plan sponsor’s address P O BOX 7280, OXFORD, AL, 36203

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 631016918
Plan administrator’s name ANDERSON WILLIAMS MCKINNIS & CO INC
Plan administrator’s address P O BOX 380968, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35238
Administrator’s telephone number 2059954460

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 215
Retired or separated participants receiving benefits 0
Other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits 0
Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits 0
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year 0
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested 0

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2015-07-22
Name of individual signing STEPHANIE HAMER
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2015-07-22
Name of individual signing STEPHANIE HAMER
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 501
Effective date of plan 2013-03-01
Business code 331200
Sponsor’s telephone number 2562411612
Plan sponsor’s mailing address P O BOX 7280, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Plan sponsor’s address P O BOX 7280, OXFORD, AL, 36203

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 631016918
Plan administrator’s name ANDERSON WILLIAMS MCKINNIS & CO INC
Plan administrator’s address P O BOX 380968, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35238
Administrator’s telephone number 2059954460

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 215
Retired or separated participants receiving benefits 0
Other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits 0
Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits 0
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year 0
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested 0

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2015-07-22
Name of individual signing STEPHANIE HAMER
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2015-07-22
Name of individual signing STEPHANIE HAMER
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 501
Effective date of plan 2012-03-01
Business code 331200
Sponsor’s telephone number 2562411612
Plan sponsor’s mailing address P O BOX 7280, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Plan sponsor’s address P O BOX 7280, OXFORD, AL, 36203

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 631016918
Plan administrator’s name ANDERSON WILLIAMS MCKINNIS & CO INC
Plan administrator’s address P O BOX 380968, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35238
Administrator’s telephone number 2059954460

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 237
Retired or separated participants receiving benefits 0
Other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits 0
Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits 0
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year 0
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested 0

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2015-07-21
Name of individual signing STEPHANIE HAMER
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2015-07-21
Name of individual signing STEPHANIE HAMER
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature


Name Role Address
ELLIS, CARY JACKSON Incorporator No data
HEATHCOCK, BILLY EUGENE Incorporator No data


Name Role


Name Role Address


Event Date Event Type Old Value New Value
2018-03-12 Capital Change 338000@$.025139 Authorized $90 Paid In 3M @ $0.0017 PV Authorized $90 Paid In
2013-07-24 Capital Change $600 Authorized $90 Paid In 338000@$.025139 Authorized $90 Paid In
2009-10-01 Capital Change $90 Authorized $90 Paid In $600 Authorized $90 Paid In
1995-09-25 Capital Change $9,000 Authorized $9,000 Paid In $90 Authorized $90 Paid In

OSHA's Inspections within Industry

Inspection Nr Report ID Date Opened Site Address
347211229 0418300 2024-01-10 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Inspection Type Planned
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2024-01-10
Case Closed 2024-05-20

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100022 D01
Issuance Date 2024-04-16
Abatement Due Date 2024-05-10
Current Penalty 4701.0
Initial Penalty 7835.0
Final Order 2024-04-26
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.22(d)(1): The employer did not ensure that walking-working surfaces were inspected, regularly and as necessary, and maintained in a safe condition: (a) At West Shop, Small Saw: On or about 01/10/2024, and at times prior, the employer exposed employees to trip hazards in that a section of conveyor approximately 6-inches off the floor was guarding a cable which required employees to step over to walk from the small saw to the angle cutter control station. In accordance with 29 CFR 1903.19(c), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET).
Citation ID 01002
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100028 B11 II
Issuance Date 2024-04-16
Abatement Due Date 2024-05-10
Current Penalty 4701.0
Initial Penalty 7835.0
Final Order 2024-04-26
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.28(b)(11)(ii): Each flight of stairs having at least 3 treads and at least 4 risers was not equipped with stair rail systems and handrails as required in Table D-2 of this standard: (a) At East Shop, Line 1: On or about 01/10/2024, and times prior, the employer exposed employees to fall hazards, in that a handrail was not installed on set of stairs while employees utilized the stairs to gain access to the materials that were on a conveyor to take measurements. In accordance with 29 CFR 1903.19(c), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET).
Citation ID 01003A
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100147 C04 I
Issuance Date 2024-04-16
Abatement Due Date 2024-05-10
Current Penalty 7052.4
Initial Penalty 11754.0
Final Order 2024-04-26
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.147(c)(4)(i): Procedures were not developed, documented and utilized for the control of potentially hazardous energy when employees were engaged in activities covered by this section: (a) At East Shop: On or about 01/10/2024 and at times prior, the employer exposed employees to laceration and amputation hazards in that the employees did not utilize LOTO specific procedures while changing saw blades on the Peddinghaus 2500 Saw/Drill machine. In accordance with 29 CFR 1903.19(c), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET).
Citation ID 01003B
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100147 C05 I
Issuance Date 2024-04-16
Abatement Due Date 2024-05-10
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Final Order 2024-04-26
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.147(c)(5)(i): Locks, tags, chains, wedges, key blocks, adapter pins, self-locking fasteners, or other hardware were not provided by the employer for isolating, securing or blocking of machines or equipment from energy sources: (a) At East Shop: On or about 01/10/2024, the employer exposed employees to laceration and amputation hazards in that the employees did not provide the adequate number of locks for employees changing saw blades on the Peddinghaus 2500 Saw/Drill machine. In accordance with 29 CFR 1903.19(c), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET).
Citation ID 01004
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100147 C06 I
Issuance Date 2024-04-16
Abatement Due Date 2024-05-10
Current Penalty 7052.4
Initial Penalty 11754.0
Final Order 2024-04-26
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 5
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.147(c)(6)(i): The employer did not conduct a periodic inspection of the energy control procedure at least annually to ensure that the procedure and the requirement of this standard were being followed: (a) At East Shop: On or about 01/10/2024 and at times prior, the employer exposed employees to laceration and amputation hazards in that the employer did not conduct an inspection of existing specific LOTO procedures on machinery such as, but not limited to the Peddinghaus 2500 Saw/Drill machine. In accordance with 29 CFR 1903.19(c), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET).
Citation ID 01005
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100212 A01
Issuance Date 2024-04-16
Abatement Due Date 2024-05-10
Current Penalty 7052.4
Initial Penalty 11754.0
Final Order 2024-04-26
Nr Instances 2
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(1): One or more methods of machine guarding was not provided to protect the operator and other employees in the machine area from hazards such as those created by point of operation, ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks: (a) At East Shop: On or about 01/10/2024, the employer exposed employees to machine guarding hazards on a Peddinghaus Hydmech M-20A - small band saw in that the unused portion of the blade on the guide was unguarded while employees cut steel with the saw. (b) At West Shop: On or about 01/10/2024, the employer exposed employees to machine guarding hazards on a Peddinghaus Hydmech M-20A - small band saw in that the unused portion of the blade on the guide was unguarded while employees cut steek with the saw. In accordance with 29 CFR 1903.19(c), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET).
Citation ID 01006
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100254 B04 IV
Issuance Date 2024-04-16
Abatement Due Date 2024-05-10
Current Penalty 5877.0
Initial Penalty 9795.0
Final Order 2024-04-26
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.254(b)(4)(iv): Terminals for welding leads were not protected from accidental contact by personnel or metal objects: (a) At the West Shop: On or about 01/10/2024, the employer exposed employees to electrical hazards, in that a Miller #33 Welder operating at 480 VAC was not guarded at the terminal leads. In accordance with 29 CFR 1903.19(c), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET).
Citation ID 02001
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100037 B02
Issuance Date 2024-04-16
Abatement Due Date 2024-05-10
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Final Order 2024-04-26
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.37(b)(2): Each exit must be clearly visible and marked by a sign reading "Exit." (a) At the East Shop, West Door: On or about 01/10/2024, and at time prior, the employer failed to ensure an emergency exit door was adequate marked with an exit sign. In accordance with 29 CFR 1903.19(c), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET).
Citation ID 02002
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19101200 F06
Issuance Date 2024-04-16
Abatement Due Date 2024-05-10
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Final Order 2024-04-26
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.1200(f)(6): The employer did not ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace was labeled, tagged or marked with the information specified under paragraphs (f)(6)(i) through (ii) of this section: (a) At West Shop: On or about 01/10/2024 and at times prior, the employer exposed employee to health hazards in that containers with chemicals were not properly labeled. In accordance with 29 CFR 1903.19(c), abatement certification is required for this violation (using the CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET).
344423595 0418300 2019-10-25 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Inspection Type Referral
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2019-10-25
Case Closed 2020-04-06

Related Activity

Type Referral
Activity Nr 1510554
Safety Yes
343527636 0418300 2018-10-11 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Inspection Type Referral
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2018-10-11
Case Closed 2020-06-03

Related Activity

Type Referral
Activity Nr 1388406
Safety Yes

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100132 F01 IV
Issuance Date 2018-11-05
Abatement Due Date 2018-12-03
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 7853.0
Contest Date 2018-11-15
Final Order 2019-09-23
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.132(f)(1)(iv): Employee(s) required to use PPE by this section were not trained to know the limitations of PPE: (a) On or about October 11, 2018 - East Shop Detail Bay, employees were exposed to fall hazards when not being aware that anchoring a harness/lanyard to an eyebolt located at foot level would permit a free fall greater than six feet.
Citation ID 01002
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100147 C04 I
Issuance Date 2018-11-05
Abatement Due Date 2019-10-23
Current Penalty 8500.0
Initial Penalty 9423.0
Contest Date 2018-11-15
Final Order 2019-09-23
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
Related Event Code (REC) Referral
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.147(c)(4)(i): Procedures were not developed, documented and utilized for the control of potentially hazardous energy when employees were engaged in activities covered by this section: (a) On or about October 4, 2018 - East Shop Detail Bay, the lockout/tagout procedure for the East Blastec was not used when removing the non-functioning motor from the top of the equipment.
Citation ID 01003
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100178 P01
Issuance Date 2018-11-05
Abatement Due Date 2019-10-23
Current Penalty 5600.0
Initial Penalty 6282.0
Contest Date 2018-11-15
Final Order 2019-09-23
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 3
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.178(p)(1): Powered industrial truck(s) found to be in need of repair, defective, or in any way unsafe had not been taken out of service until restored to safe operating condition(s): (a) On or about October 11, 2018 - East Shop Detail Bay, the forklift had been operated since February without a working horn and had been operated for two weeks with a leak that had not been evaluated.
341240380 0418300 2016-02-08 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Inspection Type Referral
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2016-02-10
Case Closed 2016-04-05

Related Activity

Type Referral
Activity Nr 1058563
Safety Yes
Type Inspection
Activity Nr 1128776
Safety Yes

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100212 A01
Issuance Date 2016-03-23
Current Penalty 3060.0
Initial Penalty 5100.0
Final Order 2016-04-04
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Related Event Code (REC) Referral
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(1): One or more methods of machine guarding was not provided to protect the operator and other employees in the machine area from hazards such as those created by point of operation, ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks: (a) On or about 01/29/2016 - Main Plant, Bay 4 (near blast machine), DEWALT DWE 1622 Magnetic Drill Press, an employee was injured while repositioning himself on a ladder when his glove was caught-in the unguarded equipment.
340411149 0418300 2015-02-19 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Inspection Type Complaint
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Health
Close Conference 2015-03-04
Case Closed 2015-05-26

Related Activity

Type Complaint
Activity Nr 960009
Safety Yes

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100022 A01
Issuance Date 2015-04-28
Abatement Due Date 2015-05-08
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Final Order 2015-05-26
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.22(a)(1): All places of employment, passageways, storerooms or service rooms were not kept clean and orderly or in a sanitary condition: (a) On or about 02/19/15 - Data office, an extension cord/power strip was used as substitute for fixed wiring of a structure exposing employees to tripping hazards.
Citation ID 01002
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100305 B01 I
Issuance Date 2015-04-28
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Final Order 2015-05-26
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
Related Event Code (REC) Complaint
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.305(b)(1)(i): Openings through which conductors entered cutout boxes, cabinets, or fittings were not effectively closed: (a) On or about 02/19/15 - 1st floor engineering and scheduling office, a 120 VAC wall outlet was not effectively closed.
340083641 0418300 2014-11-14 111 MEADOW LN. P.O. BOX 7280, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Inspection Type Planned
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2014-11-14
Case Closed 2015-03-06

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100242 B
Issuance Date 2015-02-18
Current Penalty 1215.0
Initial Penalty 2025.0
Final Order 2015-03-16
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Gravity 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.242(b): Compressed air used for cleaning purposes was not reduced to less than 30 p.s.i.: (a) On or about 11/14/14 - East bay paint shop, compressed air was being used with an output of 90 p.s.i..
314838632 0418300 2010-10-07 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Inspection Type Referral
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2010-11-01
Case Closed 2010-11-03

Related Activity

Type Referral
Activity Nr 201275609
Safety Yes
304715733 0418300 2002-12-04 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Inspection Type Planned
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2002-12-04
Emphasis N: AMPUTATE
Case Closed 2003-02-21

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100212 A01
Issuance Date 2003-02-04
Abatement Due Date 2003-03-03
Current Penalty 3375.0
Initial Penalty 4500.0
Nr Instances 3
Nr Exposed 4
Gravity 10
109465468 0418300 1992-02-03 GREEN MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Inspection Type Planned
Scope Complete
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 1992-02-03
Case Closed 1992-02-19

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001A
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100106 E02 IVD
Issuance Date 1992-02-07
Abatement Due Date 1992-02-14
Current Penalty 375.0
Initial Penalty 375.0
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 20
Gravity 01
Citation ID 01001B
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100106 E06 I
Issuance Date 1992-02-07
Abatement Due Date 1992-02-14
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 20
Gravity 01
Citation ID 01002
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100254 D09 III
Issuance Date 1992-02-07
Abatement Due Date 1992-02-14
Current Penalty 375.0
Initial Penalty 375.0
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Gravity 01
17415902 0418300 1989-04-11 GREEN MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203
Inspection Type Planned
Scope Complete
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 1989-04-12
Case Closed 1989-06-07

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100023 C01
Issuance Date 1989-04-21
Abatement Due Date 1989-06-02
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Citation ID 01002
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100215 B09
Issuance Date 1989-04-21
Abatement Due Date 1989-06-02
Nr Instances 2
Nr Exposed 2
Citation ID 01003
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100243 C03
Issuance Date 1989-04-21
Abatement Due Date 1989-06-02
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 10
Citation ID 01004
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100303 G02 I
Issuance Date 1989-04-21
Abatement Due Date 1989-06-02
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Citation ID 01005
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19101200 E01
Issuance Date 1989-04-21
Abatement Due Date 1989-06-02
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 74
Inspection Type Planned
Scope Complete
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 1985-08-21
Case Closed 1985-09-19

Related Activity

Type Inspection
Activity Nr 13209291

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001A
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100215 A02
Issuance Date 1985-09-06
Abatement Due Date 1985-09-02
Current Penalty 250.0
Initial Penalty 250.0
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Citation ID 01001B
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100219 E03 I
Issuance Date 1985-09-06
Abatement Due Date 1985-09-02
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Citation ID 02001
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100027 B01 V
Issuance Date 1985-09-06
Abatement Due Date 1985-09-02
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Citation ID 02002
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100243 C03
Issuance Date 1985-09-06
Abatement Due Date 1985-09-02
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2

Paycheck Protection Program

Loan Number Loan Funded Date SBA Origination Office Code Loan Delivery Method Borrower Street Address
5422208310 2021-01-25 0459 PPS 111 Meadow Ln, Oxford, AL, 36203-2644
Loan Status Date 2021-10-13
Loan Status Paid in Full
Loan Maturity in Months 60
SBA Guaranty Percentage 100
Loan Approval Amount (at origination) 2000000
Loan Approval Amount (current) 2000000
Undisbursed Amount 0
Franchise Name -
Lender Location ID 434138
Servicing Lender Name ServisFirst Bank
Servicing Lender Address 2500 Woodcrest Place, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35209-1374
Rural or Urban Indicator R
Hubzone N
Business Age Description Existing or more than 2 years old
Project Address Oxford, CALHOUN, AL, 36203-2644
Project Congressional District AL-03
Number of Employees 255
NAICS code 332312
Borrower Race Unanswered
Borrower Ethnicity Unknown/NotStated
Business Type Corporation
Originating Lender ID 434138
Originating Lender Name ServisFirst Bank
Originating Lender Address BIRMINGHAM, AL
Gender Unanswered
Veteran Unanswered
Forgiveness Amount 2013333.33
Forgiveness Paid Date 2021-09-27
6863827007 2020-04-07 0459 PPP 111 MEADOW LN, OXFORD, AL, 36203-2644
Loan Status Date 2021-07-10
Loan Status Paid in Full
Loan Maturity in Months 24
SBA Guaranty Percentage 100
Loan Approval Amount (at origination) 3025500
Loan Approval Amount (current) 3025500
Undisbursed Amount 0
Franchise Name -
Lender Location ID 434138
Servicing Lender Name ServisFirst Bank
Servicing Lender Address 2500 Woodcrest Place, BIRMINGHAM, AL, 35209-1374
Rural or Urban Indicator R
Hubzone N
Business Age Description Existing or more than 2 years old
Project Address OXFORD, CALHOUN, AL, 36203-2644
Project Congressional District AL-03
Number of Employees 254
NAICS code 332312
Borrower Race Unanswered
Borrower Ethnicity Unknown/NotStated
Business Type Corporation
Originating Lender ID 434138
Originating Lender Name ServisFirst Bank
Originating Lender Address BIRMINGHAM, AL
Gender Unanswered
Veteran Unanswered
Forgiveness Amount 3061553.87
Forgiveness Paid Date 2021-06-17

U.S. Small Business Administration Profile

Status User ID Name of Firm Trade Name UEI Address
Active P0548102 FABARC STEEL SUPPLY INC - V6XKY2AR7146 111 MEADOW LN, OXFORD, AL, 36203-2644
Capabilities Statement Link -
Phone Number 256-831-8770
Fax Number 256-831-8776
E-mail Address
WWW Page
E-Commerce Website
Contact Person TOM ADAMS
County Code (3 digit) 015
Congressional District 03
Metropolitan Statistical Area 0450
CAGE Code 36UJ9
Year Established 1979
Accepts Government Credit Card No
Legal Structure Corporation
Ownership and Self-Certifications -
Business Development Servicing Office ALABAMA DISTRICT OFFICE (SBA office code 0459)
Capabilities Narrative FabArc Steel Supply, Inc. is an AISC certified fabrication facility located in Oxford, AL. Founded in 1979, FabArc’s two manufacturing plants have a total fabricating area of over 275,000 square feet and a total work force of over 300 highly skilled men and women. This combination has the capacity to produce in excess of 40,000 tons of fabricated steel annually. OUR PEOPLE ARE OUR GREATEST ASSET. Our supervisors and managers average over twenty-five years experience in the steel fabrication industry. FabArc’s project managers cater to the precise needs and demands of field superintendents and construction project managers.
Special Equipment/Materials (none given)
Business Type Percentages Construction (40 %) Manufacturing (40 %) Research and Development (10 %) Service (10 %)
Keywords Fabrication, Structural Steel, Erection, Automotive, Manufacturing, Industrial, Healthcare, Government, Commerical
Quality Assurance Standards (none given)
Electronic Data Interchange capable -

Current Principals

Name Tony Pugh
Role President
Name Tom Adams
Role Sr. Vice President
Name Shawn Evans
Role Vice President

SBA Federal Certifications

HUBZone Certified No
Women Owned Certified No
Women Owned Pending No
Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Certified No
Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Pending No
Veteran-Owned Small Business Certified No
Veteran-Owned Small Business Joint Venture No
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Certified No
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Joint Venture No

Bonding Levels

Description Construction Bonding Level (per contract)
Level $75,000,000
Description Construction Bonding Level (aggregate)
Level $150,000,000
Description Service Bonding Level (per contract)
Level $0
Description Service Bonding Level (aggregate)
Level $0

NAICS Codes with Size Determinations by NAICS

Primary Yes
Code 332312
NAICS Code's Description Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing
Small Yes

Export Profile (Trade Mission Online)

Exporter Firm hasn't answered this question yet
Export Business Activities (none given)
Exporting to (none given)
Desired Export Business Relationships (none given)
Description of Export Objective(s) (none given)

Performance History (References)

Contract CA870199609BDACA87
Contract CA870199606BDACA87
Value $97,000

Motor Carrier Census

USDOT Number Carrier Operation MCS-150 Form Date MCS-150 Mileage MCS-150 Year Power Units Drivers Operation Classification
274390 Interstate 2024-01-29 78992 2023 2 2 Private(Property)
DBA Name -
Physical Address 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203, US
Mailing Address 111 MEADOW LANE, OXFORD, AL, 36203, US
Phone (256) 241-1626
Fax (256) 831-8776

Safety Measurement System - All Transportation

Total Number of Inspections for the measurement period (24 months) 5
Driver Fitness BASIC Serious Violation Indicator No
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC Acute/Critical Indicator No
Unsafe Driving BASIC Acute/Critical Indicator No
Driver Fitness BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 0
Hours-of-Service (HOS) Compliance BASIC Roadside Performance measure value .77
Total Number of Driver Inspections for the measurment period 5
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 0
Total Number of Vehicle Inspections for the measurement period 1
Controlled Substances and Alcohol BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 0
Unsafe Driving BASIC Roadside Performance Measure Value 5.57
Number of inspections with at least one Driver Fitness BASIC violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Hours-of-Service BASIC violation 1
Total Number of Driver Inspections containing at least one Driver Out-of-Service Violation 1
Number of inspections with at least one Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violation 0
Total Number of Vehicle Inspections containing at least one Vehicle Out-of-Service violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Controlled Substances and Alcohol BASIC violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Unsafe Driving BASIC violation 2


Unique report number of the inspection ZRCV003650
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-08-13
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 3
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit 3617776
License state of the main unit IN
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 3AKJHHDR6RSUL8566
Description of the type of the secondary unit SEMI-TRAILER
Description of the make of the secondary unit FONA
License plate of the secondary unit 2577370
License state of the secondary unit ME
Vehicle Identification Number of the secondary unit 13N1482CX91549965
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 1
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection DBCV003334
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-06-13
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit 3617484
License state of the main unit IN
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 3AKJHHDR4RSUL8565
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection CMAD003335
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2024-06-13
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit 3617484
License state of the main unit IN
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 3AKJHHDR4RSUL8565
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection BSCV002476
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-09-18
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit 3617776
License state of the main unit IN
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 3AKJHHDR6RSUL8566
Description of the type of the secondary unit SEMI-TRAILER
Description of the make of the secondary unit UTIL
License plate of the secondary unit A026130
License state of the secondary unit AL
Vehicle Identification Number of the secondary unit 1UYFS248XXA803601
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection WHEEA02908
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from MI
The date of the inspection 2023-04-17
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred MI
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit 3499964
License state of the main unit IN
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 3AKJHHFG9RSUX0388
Description of the type of the secondary unit SEMI-TRAILER
Description of the make of the secondary unit TRAO
License plate of the secondary unit 3615082
License state of the secondary unit ME
Vehicle Identification Number of the secondary unit 1TTF482C2H3002982
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 2
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 1
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 1
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection JMCV000199
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from AL
The date of the inspection 2023-01-12
ID that indicates the level of inspection Driver-Only
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred AL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit 2687438
License state of the main unit IN
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 3AKJGLD62ESFU2061
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 0
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 0
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0


The date of the inspection 2024-08-13
Code of the violation 3922SLLS3
Name of the BASIC Unsafe Driving
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 7
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation State/Local Laws - Speeding 11-14 miles per hour over the speed limit
The description of the violation group Speeding 3
The unit a violation is cited against Driver
The date of the inspection 2023-04-17
Code of the violation 3958AELD
Name of the BASIC Hours-of-Service Compliance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 5
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation ELD - No record of duty status (ELD Required)
The description of the violation group Incomplete/Wrong Log
The unit a violation is cited against Driver
The date of the inspection 2023-04-17
Code of the violation 3922PK
Name of the BASIC Unsafe Driving
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Unlawfully parking and/or leaving vehicle in the roadway
The description of the violation group Other Driver Violations
The unit a violation is cited against Driver

Date of last update: 31 Jul 2024

Sources: Alabama Secretary of State