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Gadsden Coffee Company, Inc.


Name: Gadsden Coffee Company, Inc.
Jurisdiction: Alabama
Legal type: Domestic Corporation
Status: Exists
Date of registration: 07 Aug 1975 (50 years ago)
Entity Number: 000-038-647
Register Number: 000038647
ZIP code: 35954
County: Etowah
Place of Formation: Etowah County
Principal Address: ATTALLA, AL
Registered Office Street Address: 109 6TH AVE NWATTALLA, AL 35954
Authorized Capital: $25,000
Paid Share Capital: $25,000


form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
MAX PACKAGING 401K PLAN 2022 630693155 2024-01-25 GADSDEN COFFEE COMPANY, INC. 87
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1989-07-01
Business code 424990
Sponsor’s telephone number 2565382233
Plan sponsor’s address 109 6TH AVENUE, N.W., ATTALLA, AL, 359542016

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 630693155
Plan administrator’s name GADSDEN COFFEE COMPANY, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 109 6TH AVENUE, N.W., ATTALIA, AL, 359542016
Administrator’s telephone number 2565382233

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2024-01-25
Name of individual signing PAM GRIFFITH
MAX PACKAGING 401K PLAN 2021 630693155 2023-05-02 GADSDEN COFFEE COMPANY, INC. 91
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1989-07-01
Business code 424990
Sponsor’s telephone number 2565382233
Plan sponsor’s address 109 6TH AVENUE, N.W., ATTALLA, AL, 359542016

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 630693155
Plan administrator’s name GADSDEN COFFEE COMPANY, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 109 6TH AVENUE, N.W., ATTALIA, AL, 359542016
Administrator’s telephone number 2565382233

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2023-05-02
Name of individual signing PAM GRIFFITH


Name Role


Name Role
MCFARLAND, JOHN K Incorporator
MCFARLAND, GARY A Incorporator

OSHA's Inspections within Industry

Inspection Nr Report ID Date Opened Site Address
340007376 0418300 2014-10-14 109 6TH AVENUE N. W., ATTALLA, AL, 35954
Inspection Type Planned
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2014-10-15
Case Closed 2015-11-25

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100178 E02
Issuance Date 2014-11-18
Abatement Due Date 2014-12-08
Current Penalty 1620.0
Initial Penalty 2700.0
Final Order 2014-12-08
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.178(e)(2): Fork trucks, where the load presents a hazard, were not equipped with vertical load backrest extensions: (a) On or about 10/14/14 - Warehouse, a Toyota LP gas forklift was in operation with a broken vertical backrest.
Citation ID 01002
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100242 B
Issuance Date 2014-11-18
Current Penalty 1620.0
Initial Penalty 2700.0
Final Order 2014-12-08
Nr Instances 6
Nr Exposed 6
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.242(b): Compressed air used for cleaning purposes was not reduced to less than 30 p.s.i.: (a) On or about 10/14/14 - Maintenance and Machine Shops, six air nozzles were used with an output of 100 p.s.i. to clean off parts.

Paycheck Protection Program

Loan Number Loan Funded Date SBA Origination Office Code Loan Delivery Method Borrower Street Address
4105017209 2020-04-27 0459 PPP 109 6TH AVE NW, ATTALLA, AL, 35954-2016
Loan Status Date 2021-07-17
Loan Status Paid in Full
Loan Maturity in Months 24
SBA Guaranty Percentage 100
Loan Approval Amount (at origination) 1111746.42
Loan Approval Amount (current) 1111746.42
Undisbursed Amount 0
Franchise Name -
Lender Location ID 90919
Servicing Lender Name Emblem Credit Union
Servicing Lender Address 702, Walnut Street, Gadsden, AL, 35901
Rural or Urban Indicator R
Hubzone Y
Business Age Description Existing or more than 2 years old
Project Address ATTALLA, ETOWAH, AL, 35954-2016
Project Congressional District AL-04
Number of Employees 140
NAICS code 561910
Borrower Race Unanswered
Borrower Ethnicity Unknown/NotStated
Business Type Corporation
Originating Lender ID 90919
Originating Lender Name Emblem Credit Union
Originating Lender Address Gadsden, AL
Gender Unanswered
Veteran Unanswered
Forgiveness Amount 1124021.32
Forgiveness Paid Date 2021-06-08

Date of last update: 30 Jul 2024

Sources: Alabama Secretary of State